Movies by F4

For those who been keeping track of all the F4 news and their news should have know that their first show is not Meteor Garden well at least not for Jerry Yan and Ken Zhu. But one thing for sure they do fly higher than ever after starring in Meteor Garden. Well this page basically let you know the movies F4 got involved and the details of the movies..if you really like it..well get yourself one then.

Meteor Garden

Meteor Rain - Mei Zuo Version

Meteor Rain - Xi Men Version

Meteor Rain - Dao Ming Si Version

Ping Qiong Gui Gong Ze (Poor Prince)

Lie Ai Shang Han (Love Scar)

Mi Tao Nu Hai (Peach Girl)

Ju Zi Jiang Nan Hai (Marmalade Boy)

Lai Wo Jia Ba (Come to My Place)

Basically all the shows have their own uniqueness and very subjective to critise the quality of the acting and storyline. Well if you got nothing much to do at night and not dating anyone like me [haha] no harm watching every one of it! And I believe they can fly..oh yeah!!!

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