F4 woo girls till Japan?
The sweet-looking Grace just blink her eyes and Jerry can show out his speeding to go after the Pepsi van. He even fell down to the road and hurt himself. As for Zaizai, he only just gently press, the girl fall for him.
Why? This is actually F4's latest ads for Pepsi. The whole crews set off to Japan, Okinawa for a 5 days shooting. Under the hot sun, F4 had to shoot this ads and Jerry suffered the most, he had to wore leather clothes and drive the car to chase after the van. Jerry fell twice and even got himself injured, making all the crew members to be worried. Zaizai suffered the least, he just need to gently flick his
finger on the pepsi vending machine, the girl simply fall in love for him. Both Vanness and Ken praised Zaizai that only he can do it! The most fortunate model, Grace is actually from Taiwan and in order not to spread any news with F4, other than shooting, she simply stayed away from F4. "This is for her own good. Or else she might got killed by our fans!" F4 jokingly said.