There are way too many unforgetable scene of the show that continuously attracting us to watch it till late night. And the below is my list of scene I love the most!! and I really don't remember how many times I had REPLAY the same scene over and over again.

TOP 15

No. 1

This is the first kiss scene filmed and the 3rd kissing scene between Dao Ming Si and Shan Cai but the 1st with intention [at least SC did give some reaction on it]. This is when DMS save SC from bullies and sent her back his home to clean up. The same scene DMS for the 1st time confess to SC that he likes her but funny ending!! hahaha both of them fell down from the bed, and because of embarassment both of them didn't further. Well this is the top scene I replay most hahahahah..not so much on the kissing part the part DMS ask SC about the foreigner and till he confessed...Awwww!!

No. 2

Ahh the piano part, this is when DMS's mother insist SC to play them a song since she is a rich man daugther. At first SC just simply hit the cord resulting very very bad rythem when DMS's mom stand up with anger...SC start to play pretty well and if you understand what she is saying further increase the anger in DMS's mom [hehe]. SC trying to tell her that being a rich man's daugther or able to play the piano or wear the most expensive dress doesn't reflect what type of person she is.

No. 3

This part is pretty sad as SC [under the influence of Xiao Chun] expressed her disstatisfaction over her life being controlled by DMS and begged him to let her go and don't take note of her life ever. This is when DMS told SC again that he really likes her alot as he, himself can't understand why he will reacting the way he is now. As love is meant to be unexplainable. As no matter where SC will go..he will definately go after her because he really likes her alot. *sob* *sob*

No. 4
Xiao Chun kidnapped SC inorder to take revenge of DMS [few years ago, DMS fight with a guy and he end up in the hospital for very long time] and beat him up very badly though everyone know DMS actually can easily fight back but he didn't. All in his heart is to take care of SC [no matter what is the consequences] and if he fight back Xiao Chun for sure will harm SC.

No. 5

I like this scene because DMS is very very cute when he received the birthday present from SC. He look like a kindergarten boy who got an ice cream after he got a No. 1 in the class..the cutest part is that when SC told him she is hungry and want to eat the biscuits but stop by DMS "Please stand your hunger for a while, I beg not to eat the biscuits you make for me can or not?" Oh my...those words just make me weak...hmm wonder why SC so cold towards him?!?!

No. 6

Kissing scene between DMS with Xiao Zhi...this happen when SC confronted DMS to try going out with Xiao Zhi..and after much arguement...he did. Xiao Zhi was not very happy with the coldness that she got from DMS and told him to kiss her to prove she is the one he is thinking about no anyone else [SC]And while they kissed, SC saw them kissing and pretend nothing about it from of Hua Ze lei which of course hurt her deep inside.

No. 7

Crying scene... After SC saw Xiao Zhi sitting on top of DMS in Xiao Zhi's parent Spa resort room. Well of course the truth is not the way as she saw but she thought DMS and Xiao Zhi is together and further with after meeting Xiao Zhi that morning. Xiao Zhi lied to SC that they had done it yesterday and pretended everything is ok wehn actually DMS told her that he still very much in love with SC. And always known for her toughness, SC request HZL to turn over and let her cry behind his back..silly girl

No. 8

This is when DMS went to New York and came back within 2 days. He decided to go to New York after found out SC and HZL being locked in the same room for a night after the 3 on 3 basketball match. Thinking SC and HZL with definately be an item after that..DMS decided to leave taiwan and study there. Only the moment he was about to leave taiwan, HZL told him that he thinks the person that she likes is DMS. That's why he came back and straight look for SC..."How sweet!"

No. 9
During the first meeting with DMS's mom and SC first time encounter with someone who is as tough as her. This is the starting point of the rivarly between them and the rest of the stories is going towards this side of teh story. Hahaha you can actually feel the tense between their eyes...

No. 10
When SC's family owe loan shark 1 million, she went to DMS to seek for help. At first DMS was reluctant to lend it to her as he dislike people look for him because of his money but he understands SC have no other choice but to turn to him. So he agreed to lend her the money and proposed a way for SC to repay him without paying him back the money -"Go out with him!" Well it is the 2nd real date they went but again turn out to be sour at the end as same thing happen - they argued. But before that they are kinda cute with a little boy "neighbour's kid" in between them.

No. 11

This scene almost at the very beginning when this is the the first time SC got the RED TAG from F4. Li Zhen accidentally poured the printer powder over DMS and DMS pushed Li Zhen to the wall and this pissed SC. So SC stopped DMS from walking away and critised DMS attitude towards student in their university. DMS felt he been challenged and determine to make SC's study life a living hell. DMS used his usual qoute when Li Zhen apologised to him which is "If apology is useful, then what we need police for?"

No. 12

Basically all the romantic scene SC with HZL. The unforgetable one is the one HZL received Jing's SMS and he is very happy at the time when he met SC so he kissed SC on the cheek while complimenting SC. I don't know why I felt SC look very pretty that time; long silky hair with pinkish cheek...look like an girl got her first kiss and because of that she didn't sleep the whole night; She went to to her university with the same cloths - hahaha.

No. 13

This is when DMS already stay a night at SC's place [remember the top 8.] as he is very dizzy over the long flight to and from New York. DMS and HZL become better now compare to last few scene whereby he thought HZL slept with SC. DMS actually very happy that HZL told him that DMS most probably the person SC likes. And all the misunderstand had been cleared and F4 will remain as F4.

No. 14
Though I think Xiao Xie is overly skinny and not particular like her alot but then this scene did wet my eyes when she did try her very best to win DMS's heart and only to find He still loves Shan Cai. Despite being naked right infront of DMS's, DMS clamly ask her to wear back her cloths and stop behaving like this. Oh man!!! can you imagine how hurting to be rejected that way by someone you love.... ;_;

No. 15

This is went Dao Ming Si was kidnapped by her mother's bodyguard and force him to attend a dinner mainly to introduce him to his future fiance. And Shan Cai on the hand invited to the same place [planned by DMS's mom] so that assume she will give up but then all the chaos arises when DMS try to run away but pull out the wrong girl!
