This drama is taken from a japanese comics series. It is a lively and humormous comics and the chararcters are very close to real life. Zaizai Zhou Yu Ming's first try as the only main role in the drama. A totally different characters as in Meteor Garden

Actors and Actresses : Vic Zhou(Tai Lang), Annie Yip(Tai Lang's mother), Ken Chu(Tai Lang's father), Liu Gen Hong, Ou Ding Xing & Gao Hao Jun (Yu Chun)

The story depicts a scene in a very poor and old house. Living in this house is a family of 8 members. Tai Lang is the eldest brother in the family and he is also the breadwinner for this house. Tai Lang is a very clever boy who can make use of all sorts of stuffs to make into all sorts of delicious food for his poor family. He is also a very intelligent boy who study well in school and is a popular guy among the students and teachers. Tai Lang has this talent of sensing money and food and as long as he heard sound of coin, he knew where the coin is and he is always very contented to pick up even a dollar.

However poor Tai Lang has a very insane mother who loves to spend all his hard earned money. Even though Tai Lang has kept the money in a very secret place but his mother is always able to sense where the money is. Indeed such mother can produce such son. Because of his mother, the family always faced difficulties for their meals. Most of the time the whole family will look at pictures of nice and delicious food and imagine that they are eating those good food when they are actually just eating rice.

However Tai Lang has a very good buddy in school. Yu Chun comes from a rich family and therefore most of the time he will bring some good food which was given by his visitors to Tai Lang. He really cared a lot for Tai Lang but he seemed to have motive. He does not want to let the other classmates to know that Tai Lang is actually a poor guy when everyone is guessing Tai Lang to be a rich guy. Yu Chun is not only a good buddy and also a popular boy in the school. Together with Tai Lang, the 2 of them make a wonderful image in every schoolmates's eyes. During Valentine's Day, they will received the most amount of chocolates. Yu Chun not only treats Tai Lang well but he also treats Tai Lang's family members well and that's why all his brothers and sisters like Yu Chun a lot especially Tai Lang's fifth sister.

Tai Lang has a very strange father who always run away from house. Once he left the house, it will took him several months to come home. However because of this strange father, Tai Lang finally realised the taste of being rich as his father got heritage of a wealthy women(who used to be one of his girlfriend)'s wealth. However Tai Lang can never get use to the rich enviroment and he felt that his family members are no more as united as before. At the end of the drama, Tai Lang is back to normal again as he used all his money to help a friend(Lin You Wei) who accidentally ate a loan shark's 1000 years turtle.

highlights : A total different character of a very thrifty Tai Lang compare with more quiet and rich Hua Ze Lei and if you have seen this series, you'd notice Zai Zai became better actor oh! Very funny with all the cartoon spices inside it and this is the only family [i think if it is real] all brothers and sisters are cute and good looking. Somehow I think they do exagarate certain situation especially about all girls are falling over Tai Lang!!! Yeah I do agree he is good looking but.....not "THAT" good looking to create such drama everywhere he goes!
