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F4*** Vanness Schedule in MALAYSIA*** SEP 2002 

Oh Yes!! He is coming to Malaysia after he finish with his promotion acts in Singapore for his new album Body Will Sing - click HERE for more info for his album with photos. Everyone is very excited [especially me haha] over his arrival here because it is really been sometimes he didn't come to malaysia for promotion. The last time he came is when he is here with his other fellows F4 to promote their "Meteor Rain" Album last year..well I remember I was there and hell man....the respond was really overwhelming and seriously it was a total Chaos! Hehe abit paiseh[embarassed] to be around all the young girls...hehe being alittle bit over age there but...(^_^) who cares..I just want to see them..:P~. Anyhow, now he is going to be here...I hope all the Vanness's diehard fan behave when he is around...because if we don't, we can't see him for long (to take control of the situation - he will have to cut short his stay)...and this is just too hurting for ME!! *sob* *sob* ;_;. Well the below is the latest confirmed promotion schedule in do what you got to, go for hair cut, buy new cloths...anything and wait for him to come!! Yahoooo!

Vanness Wu - Album Promotion Appearance

Radio Interview Session
Radio Statin: 988 Redi FM
Date: 6 Sept 2002 (Friday)
Time: 9 - 10pm
Can also listen to it online at

Autograph Session
< Date : 7 Sept 2002 (Saturday)
Time : 16:30 hrs
Venue : Sarawak Kuching, Car park infront of International Time Post Headquarters

Date : 8 Sept 2002 (Sunday)
Time : 12:00hrs - 14:00hrs
Venue : Penang , The Promanade beside E & Q Hotel

Date : 8 Sept 2002 (Sunday)
Time : 18:30hrs - 22:00hrs
Venue: Kuala Lumpur, Mid Valley Mega Mall, 3rd Floor Exhibition Hall

Last but not least, remember to buy the original so that you can get his autograph~~


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