What is the only girl[Shan Cai] has to say about her 4 drop dead gorgeous looking co star.
Vic ~ "Vic Zhou and I get along very well. I've even made him my god-brother. We talk to each other in incomplete, incoherent sentences, so people over-hearing us often think we're crazy." She once told him to brush his teeth, gargle and chew gum before shooting their kissing scene, and was amused to see him following her instructions to the letter.
Jerry ~ Of Jerry Yen she says, "Jerry and I share some daring love scenes. My mother said she was embarrassed to watch them." "Sometimes we get bored with kissing take after take so we'd start to fool around - he bit my nose once and the whole thing disintegrated into a joke."
Vanness ~ She had known Wu before the serial and felt comfortable with him - another fact that Taiwan's tabloids pounced on. Remember Vanness went for some other audition before he hits the Meteor Garden, well I think she must have met him there.
Ken ~ And what does she have to say about Zhu? "He likes to read." ~ hmmm that's it?!?!